Days of the Week, colors, and their properties
What is Wicca?
Wheel of The Year (Pagan Holidays)
Magickal uses of Herbs
Who am I ?
Preparing for Ritual
Book Of Shadows

Preparing for Ritual




Preparation for Ritual

It is important to prepare properly before performing Rituals or casting Spells. Creating Sacred space is the act of making your Ritual area safe from negative energy, spirits, and other bad influences that would at the best , distract you from your work at hand, and at worst , cause Evil to interact with your Rituals, and that would not be a good thing, unless that is the energy that you are trying to work with. The phase of the Moon is very important, so check that out first. Power building, increasing or gathering spells should be done with the Moon Waxing,(Getting bigger). Reducing, banishing, or removal spells should be done with the Moon Waning (getting smaller). Some spells should be done on the Full Moon for maximum power, consult the spell. Also, some spells are stronger when done on a specific day of the week, so check on that, too, before the Ritual.  Concentrate  ahead of time just what it is you want from the Ritual you will be performing, don't make it up as you go along. It's alright to make up your own Spells, just write them out ahead of time, and think about what you want.  Then prepare your Altar area, some Rituals or spells require specific candle or tool arrangements. If your Ritual or Spell requires candles, they must be dressed before the ceremony. Use annointing oil (Or pure olive oil, if you don't have annointing oil), and while concentrating on the task at hand, starting at the center of the candle, rub the oil out towards the end, only rubbing in one direction. Then from the center out, do the other end of the candle. ( For diminishing or banishing spells, start from the end towards the middle). The candle is now ready. Remember, with candle Spells, the color of the candles is very important. Consult the Spell you are using for the colors and arrangement needed. Set up everything you will be needing, Incense, Athame, Wand, Goddess figurine, Candles, Cauldron, Herbs, or whatever you will be using. It works best if you Purify or Charge these tools before use, there are many Spells available for this. Remember, the proper incense, too, can have much to do with the strength of the Ritual or Spell, so try to have the right ones available, if you can. In a pinch, you can always use white candles and whatever incense you have, but it can reduce the power of the spells.


Altar Setup can be Important!!





Once the Altar is ready, it is time to prepare and cleanse yourself. Run a bath, and pour in Salt to cleanse you of negative energy. (Sea salt is best) I like to light a candle, and play appropriate music while in the cleansing bath, while concentrating on releasing all negative thoughts, and clearing my mind. No need for soap or scrubbing, just spash the water all over yourself. after the bath, you are ready to begin.





Grounding and Centering

This is important before Casting the Circle. Grounding is to relax and try to feel the natural energy of the Earth and the Goddess. Stretch out your arms, and imagine you are a mighty Oak tree, with your arms and fingers the branches. Feel your feet become roots deep in the Earth, feel the leaves rustling in your fingers, feel the breeze waft over you. The objective here is to release any negative thoughts and energies that might be in you. Feel the power of the earth coming up through your feet, into your legs, moving up your body, and spread up into your face and arms. Some people find it easier to become Grounded when touching a tree or rock, this helps disperse unwanted energy.When you can visualize this, and feel at one with the Goddess, you can start Centering. Centering is to continue with the Grounding exercise, but imagine that the tree you have just become is alone on a vast plain, stretching out from you in all directions, as far as you can see. Feel the grass waving in the breeze, take a deep, slow, breath and take in the woods smells, and feel the warmth of the Sun on your body. This is to clear your mind and body, and to build positive energies. This also can be used as a method to relieve anger or stress when you need it, as well as preparation for Ritual. One more way that some find easier to Clear, Ground and Center is to picture yourself lying in a cool, clear stream, with the water, washing down from above you. As you are lying there, in a peaceful mountain stream, try to empty your thoughts, and try to picture the water washing into you through the top of your head, down through your body, out through your fingertips, and moving down through your torso, into your legs, and flushing out of the bottoms of your feet. As this is going on, picture all your worries, cares, problems, and negative thoughts washing out through you and exiting with the water. You are filling with the love of the Goddess as the water fills into you, washing out all negativity. When you feel peaceful and refreshed, you are ready to proceed. Do this any time you need to ground excess Energy after Magickal workings, as leftover Energy remains frequently, especially when you are new to the Craft, and can't quite direct or use all the Energy created yet. Later, As your magickal Power increases, you get more efficient in energy use, and there is less left over.





Casting the Circle

To Cast the Circle, first cleanse the area. If outdoors, sweep the area clean with a broom, ( or do it Ritually, in the air above the ground). If indoors, clean the area first,(if it is your Altar, it probably already is clean). If outdoors, trace a circle on the ground, if indoors, trace it in the air above your altar, using your Athame or hand Always do this Desoil (clockwise) direction for a increasing spell, or Widdershins (counterclockwise) for a diminishing or banishing spell. As you do this, concentrate on the ritual at hand, and recite this or another invocation.

By the spirit of the Goddess, and the earth that is Her soul,

By the Winds of the seasons, and the Fire burning whole,

By the Water of the oceans, and the Life that She provides,

Let Evil flee this circle, for sacred space abides,

So from time forgotten, to the future not yet past,

Let the Goddess guide me, The Circle now is cast.

Once the Circle is cast, it is very important to not leave it,(though in an emergency you can cut an invisible door to the East with your Athame, and exit through it, but you must return through the same opening, and seal it up after you return). Let the energy pass through you as you cast the circle, until you can feel the energy all around you. If outdoors, you can walk desoil direction as you cast the circle. you are now ready to call on the Guardians of the Watchtowers, or invoke the elements.





Calling the Quarters

One of the most important phases of starting a Ritual is to call on the guardians of the Watchtowers,(or call the quarters). There are many Gods, Goddesses, and Spirits that you can call on to assist you in your Rituals. I suppose that you could do a Ritual without doing this, but it would be much weaker. It is better to ask for the assistance and get the extra energy to help with the Ritual, and it also serves to honor the elements Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Sky (Akasha). You do this by first setting up your candles for the four main elements. Small votive candles in clear glass holders work great for these.
This direction is East, the candle should be Yellow, (some traditions use white),This represents the sun rising in the east.
This direction is South, the candle should be Red. This represents the flames of fire.
This candle should be Blue, to represent the mighty oceans and rivers.
This candle should be Green, to represent all that grows on the earth.
Sky (Akasha)
Not everybody uses this one, but if you do, the candle should be Silver. this repesents the spirit that controls all in the universe.







Guardians of the Watchtowers

Calling the Guardians of the Watchtowers, or the Cardinal Directions, is important to help protect our Circle when cast. These are the powers that we call on when we Call the Quarters. There are many different Deities ,Goddesses , and Gods that you can call on for this. The Guardians can be male or female, and by invoking them, we are calling on their unique aspects and powers to help with guard and guide our Circles.
This is done by setting up your candles for each direction,(see Altar photo for one way to do it), then get ready to call on the Guardians or quarters. Some Wiccans start in the East, as that is where the sun rises. (Others start with the North, do what feels right to you). I face East and say,
"O spirits and Guardians of the East,
Ancient Ones of the Air,
I call on you to come forth and charge this Circle,
With the power of the Winds."
Then face South and say,
"O spirits and Guardians of the South,
Ancient Ones of the sacred Fire,
I call on you to come forth and charge this Circle,
With the power of the Flame"
Then face West and say,
"O spirits and Guardians of the West,
Ancients Ones of the mighty Water,
I call on you to come forth and cherge this Circle,
with the power of the tides"
Then face North and say,
"O spirits and Guardians of the North,
Ancient Ones of the Earth,
I call on you to come forth and charge this Circle,
with the power of Tree and Rock"
Then turn to the Sky and say,
"O spirits and Guardians of the Universe,
Mighty Akasha,
I call on you to come forth and charge this Circle,
with the power of Sky and Universe".
Now feel the Energy flow through you as the Guardians bring their power to assist you. You are now ready to Invoke the Gods and Goddesses that you will be asking for help with your specific Ritual or Spell.



Invoking the Goddesses and Gods to assist you

Now you must decide which Goddesses or Gods are the right ones for the specific Ritual or spell you are doing. Just as you would'nt call a plumber to fix your TV, you need to call on the right Diety to help your spell. You can look up the powers of each God or Goddess on the internet, or find a book of correspondences to help you with this. Once you figure out who to call on, concentrate on the Goddess and her powers that you are needing help with. Welcome Her (or Him) into your circle, and you are ready to proceed with the Ritual or Spell.


Gathering and Focusing Energy

The next step is to gather Energy for the Ritual or spell. The proper music can help with this. Find music that you like, that will let you concentrate on the work at hand. Leave the volume low enough that you can talk over it.  Some people gather Energy by Chanting, others do it by tensing up their muscles, starting at the feet and moving up slowly. Gather up the energy of the muscles, and try to focus out to your hands, while concentrating on the Spell at hand. Focus it with your Wand, if you have one, to the center of your Altar. The focusing and channeling of energy is one of the keys to how magick works.  Now you are ready to recite your spell, or start the actual Ritual.

The Ritual Itself

This is the important part of the Ritual. You want to read the text of the Ritual or Spell BEFORE you start, so you can focus on the work at hand. You need to concentrate on the intent of the Ritual, concentrating on just it is you want to accomplish from the Ritual. Be careful what you say, if it is a new Ritual or Spell, write it out first to see what it is you are asking for. For example, If you ask for eternal youth, and word it wrong, remember an early Death could possibly be eternal youth! Remember the Wiccan Rede and the Rule of three before performing any Ritual. You should not try to harm anyone with your Rituals. A binding spell will work well to help keep a bad person under control instead of wishing harm on them.








Releasing the Quarters

“Guardians of the North Tower, thank you for assisting me in my Circle”. Thank you for giving me the healing Power of the Earth.”


“Guardians of the West Tower, thank you for assisting me in my Circle. Thank you for giving me the purifying Power of the great Waters.”


“Guardians of the South Tower, thank you for assisting me in my Circle. Thank you for giving me the Intensity of the great fires”.


“Guardians of the East Tower, thank you for assisting me in my Circle. Thank you for giving me the Power of Intelligence, and the  Power  of the mighty Winds”.


You are now ready to close out the Ritual. Make sure to keep concentrating on the matter at hand, the Ritual.




Closing the Circle

After releasing the Quarters, you are ready to Close the Circle. You do this by going Counterclockwise (Widdershins) around your Circle, Wand or Athame in hand. Recite the following or something similar:


        “By Widdershins I do erase, The confines of this Sacred space”,

        “And by the energies that have come, My good work here is  done”

        “And by the Goddess who is three, the spell is cast, so mote it be”.


You can now snuff out any remaining candles, and put out your incense. (You don't want to blow out candles, that places the Air element over Fire, which could be bothersome). You can clean up if the Ritual is a one-day Ritual, some require multiple days to complete. Clean up and meditate on what you have just done. If you feel nervous, edgy, or wired after the Ritual, you still possess excess energy that must be grounded. Ground and Center again as you did before the Ritual. Go outside barefoot, and be one with the night sky and ground. Your Ritual is now complete!





After the Ritual 

        After the Ritual is complete, several things need to be done. Some Rituals require you to meditate for a time, others require you to stay quiet and still until the candles burn down. There may be an offering to gather up to dispose of at a full Moon later. If there is treat it with reverence as a sacred offering, Bury it, or burn it in a hot fire, or spread it outside for animals, DO NOT just throw a Ritual offering in the trash!! That would be disrespectable to the Goddess. Do whatever the Ritual requires to close out. Then partake of Cakes and Wine,(this can be juice and cookies), to help you ground excess energy.



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